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Panduan Lengkap Klasifikasi, Kodefikasi dan Nomenklatur Daerah: Download PDF Keputusan Menteri Dalam


Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 PDF Download: What You Need to Know

If you are involved in the planning, development, and financial management of the regional government in Indonesia, you might have heard of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020. This is a regulation issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs that regulates the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning. In this article, we will explain what Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is, why it is important, and how to download it in PDF format.


What is Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020?

Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is a short name for Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 050-5889 Tahun 2021 tentang Hasil Verifikasi, Validasi, Inventarisasi, Klasifikasi, Kodefikasi dan Nomenklatur Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Keuangan Daerah. This means the Decision of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 050-5889 Year 2021 concerning the Results of Verification, Validation, Inventory, Classification, Coding and Nomenclature of Regional Development and Financial Planning. This regulation was issued on May 21st, 2021 and replaces the previous regulation with the same number issued in 2020.

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Why is it important?

Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is important because it provides a standardized and updated system of classification, coding, and nomenclature for regional development and financial planning. This system is used to facilitate the harmonization and synchronization of regional development plans and budgets across different levels and sectors of the regional government. It also aims to improve the transparency and accountability of regional financial management and reporting. Furthermore, it supports the implementation of the Regional Government Information System (SIPD), which is an integrated online platform for regional government administration.

How to download it?

If you want to download Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 in PDF format, you can visit the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs (KEMENDAGRI) at [](^3^). On the homepage, you can click on the menu "Peraturan" and then select "Keputusan Menteri". You can then search for "Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020" or "Klasifikasi" in the search box. Alternatively, you can use this direct link: []. You can then click on the "Download" button to save the file on your device.

Main Content

The content of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020

Klasifikasi, Kodefikasi, dan Nomenklatur Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Keuangan Daerah

The first part of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 contains the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning. This includes the following elements:

  • The classification of regional development plans according to the vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategies, policies, programs, activities, and indicators of each regional government.

  • The coding of regional development plans according to the hierarchy, level, sector, subsector, function, and type of each program and activity.

  • The nomenclature of regional development plans according to the standard terminology and abbreviation of each program and activity.

  • The classification of regional budgets according to the sources, types, and allocation of revenues and expenditures.

  • The coding of regional budgets according to the organizational structure, function, program, activity, account, and subaccount of each regional government unit.

  • The nomenclature of regional budgets according to the standard terminology and abbreviation of each revenue and expenditure item.

The classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning are presented in several tables in the appendix of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020. For example, Table 1 shows the coding system for regional development plans:












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Type of Program/Activity (Regular/Non-Regular)

Sector Code (Agriculture/Industry/Education/etc.)

Subsector Code (Crop/Livestock/Fishery/etc.)

Function Code (Production/Distribution/Consumption/etc.)

Program Code (10 digits)

Activity Code (10 digits)

Indicator Code (3 digits)

Type of Indicator (Input/Output/Outcome/Impact)

Type of Data (Quantity/Quality/Time/Cost)

Type of Unit (Person/Household/Area/Money/etc.)

Type of Target (Absolute/Relative/Percentage/Ratio/etc.)<


This code means a regular program in the agriculture sector, crop subsector, production function, with the program code 1111111111, activity code 1111111111, indicator code 111, type of indicator output, type of data quantity, type of unit area, and type of target absolute.

Hasil Verifikasi, Validasi, dan Inventarisasi Pemutakhiran Klasifikasi, Kodefikasi, dan Nomenklatur

The second part of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 contains the results of verification, validation, and inventory of updating the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning. This includes the following elements:

  • The criteria and procedures for verifying, validating, and inventorying the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning.

  • The roles and responsibilities of the central government, provincial government, district/city government, and regional government units in conducting verification, validation, and inventory.

  • The timeline and mechanism for reporting and resolving issues related to verification, validation, and inventory.

  • The format and content of the verification, validation, and inventory report.

The verification, validation, and inventory report is presented in several tables in the appendix of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020. For example, Table 2 shows the format of the verification report:


1Vision1Mewujudkan Daerah yang Mandiri dan SejahteraValid-

2Mission11Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia yang Berdaya Saing dan Berakhlak MuliaValid-

3Goal111Meningkatkan Akses dan Mutu Pendidikan dan Kesehatan MasyarakatValid-

4Objective1111Meningkatkan Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK) Pendidikan Dasar dan MenengahValid-


Melaksanakan Program Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun bagi Seluruh Warga Masyarakat yang Berusia 7-18 Tahun




Example: Verification report for a district/city government in the education sector.

Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Daerah (SIPD)

The third part of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 contains the implementation of the Regional Government Information System (SIPD). This includes the following elements:

  • The definition and scope of SIPD as an integrated online platform for regional government administration.

  • The objectives and functions of SIPD as a tool for planning, budgeting, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and controlling regional development and financial management.

  • The components and features of SIPD as a system that consists of several modules such as regional development planning module (RKP), regional budget module (APBD), regional financial management module (SPKD), regional asset management module (SIMDA), regional performance management module (SKPD), etc.

  • The roles and responsibilities of the central government, provincial government, district/city government, and regional government units in using SIPD as a data source and information provider.

  • The standards and procedures for accessing and operating SIPD as a user-friendly and secure system.

  • The benefits and challenges of SIPD as a system that supports the improvement of regional governance quality and public service delivery.

The benefits of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020

public. Some of the benefits are:

Harmonisasi dan sinkronisasi perencanaan pembangunan dan keuangan daerah

By using the standardized and updated system of classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning, the regional government can harmonize and synchronize their plans and budgets across different levels and sectors. This can ensure the alignment of regional development goals and objectives with the national development priorities and strategies. It can also avoid duplication, overlap, or gap of programs and activities among regional government units. Moreover, it can facilitate the coordination and collaboration among stakeholders in the regional development process.

Transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan daerah

By using the integrated online platform of SIPD, the regional government can improve the transparency and accountability of their financial management and reporting. SIPD can provide accurate, timely, and reliable data and information on regional revenues and expenditures, as well as performance indicators and outcomes. SIPD can also enable the public to access and monitor the regional budget execution and evaluation. Furthermore, SIPD can support the internal and external audit and control functions of the regional financial management.

Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik dan kesejahteraan masyarakat

By using Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 as a guideline for regional development and financial planning, the regional government can improve the quality of public service delivery and social welfare. Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 can help the regional government to identify and prioritize the needs and demands of the public, as well as allocate resources efficiently and effectively. Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 can also help the regional government to measure and evaluate the impact and benefit of their programs and activities on the public satisfaction and welfare.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is a regulation issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs that regulates the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning. It also provides the results of verification, validation, and inventory of updating the system, as well as the implementation of SIPD. Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is important for the regional government because it can facilitate the harmonization and synchronization of regional development plans and budgets, improve the transparency and accountability of regional financial management and reporting, and enhance the quality of public service delivery and social welfare.

Call to action for the readers

If you are interested in learning more about Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 or downloading it in PDF format, you can visit [] or use this direct link: []. You can also contact your local government office or representative for further information or assistance. We hope that this article has been helpful for you to understand Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 better.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020:

  • What is the difference between Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 and Permendagri 050 Tahun 2019?

Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 is an updated version of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2019 that incorporates some changes and improvements based on the verification, validation, and inventory process conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs in collaboration with provincial governments. Some of the changes include adding new codes for some sectors, subsectors, functions, programs, activities, indicators, types of data, types of units, types of targets, etc., as well as revising some nomenclatures for clarity and consistency.

  • How to use Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 in SIPD?

To use Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 in SIPD, you need to register as a user first by visiting [] or contacting your local government office or representative. You can then log in to SIPD using your username and password, and select the module that you want to use, such as RKP, APBD, SPKD, SIMDA, SKPD, etc. You can then input, edit, view, or download the data and information related to your regional development and financial planning using the classification, coding, and nomenclature of Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020.

  • What are the challenges of implementing Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020?

Some of the challenges of implementing Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 are:

  • The need for socialization and training for the regional government officials and staff on how to use Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 and SIPD properly and effectively.

  • The need for coordination and communication among different levels and sectors of the regional government to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the data and information entered in SIPD.

  • The need for technical support and maintenance for SIPD to ensure its functionality and security.

  • The need for monitoring and evaluation for Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 and SIPD to assess their impact and performance on regional development and financial management.

  • What are the future plans for Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020?

The future plans for Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 are:

  • To conduct periodic verification, validation, and inventory of the classification, coding, and nomenclature of regional development and financial planning to keep them updated and relevant.

  • To develop and improve SIPD as a system that can integrate and interoperate with other systems related to regional government administration, such as e-planning, e-budgeting, e-procurement, e-reporting, etc.

  • To expand and enhance SIPD as a system that can provide more features and services for the regional government and the public, such as data analysis, visualization, dashboard, feedback, etc.

  • Where can I find more resources about Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020?

You can find more resources about Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 from the following sources:

  • The official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs (KEMENDAGRI) at [], where you can find news, announcements, publications, regulations, policies, programs, activities, etc. related to regional government administration.

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Regional Development (BANGDA) at [], where you can find information about regional development planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, reporting, etc.

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Regional Financial Management (BPKD) at [], where you can find information about regional financial management policies, regulations, standards, guidelines, systems, procedures, etc.

  • The official website of the Regional Government Information System (SIPD) at [], where you can access and operate the online platform for regional government administration.

  • The official website of the Legal Information Network System (JDIH) at [], where you can find and download the regulations and policies related to regional government administration, including Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020.

I hope that these resources can help you to learn more about Permendagri 050 Tahun 2020 and its implications for regional development and financial management in Indonesia. 44f88ac181

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